Friday, September 24, 2010

C'è una prima volta per tutto

This week has been great! It was our first time to meet with our students and they were all wonderful. All of them challenge us in different ways and I know we are growing because of that.  Language school has continued and we are all doing well and picking up the language. Next week at lunch, we all have to speak in Italian and if we say something in English, we have to put some money towards the pizza fund. (I think I'll be paying for a lot of the pizza.) 

This is a picture of us in our classroom at school.

Training was last week before we met the students the night they all came to sign up. The brothers and sisters that went before us are so wise and shared some of there knowledge with us and what we should do and how to handle ourselves in different situations. For those of you who don't know David and Debbie Woodroof, here they are! David is the director of the Bible School and where would he be without Debbie. I can't imagine what life would be like without either of them here at the Bible School.

In my last post, I promised more language school stories which I thought I would have pictures and stories about the Uffizi museum but we ended up not going. No worries, I'll get to see it some other time. The reason we didn't go is because we got to take care of some more paperwork. We officially all have insurance and have sent our application for the Permesso di Soggiorno. I am so blessed to have the Woodroof here to guide me and the rest of the team. This was our third attempt at insurance and I guess it's true, third time's the charm. Now, I just have to go to an appointment in October to get my fingerprints scanned and have them make sure I'm ok. Please pray for all of us as we finish this close! and also pleas pray for our lessons, students and teachers both. God has presented such an opportunity for all of us! 

Even when we don't expect it. Today, Salomon and Anne Marie, two  people from our class came home for lunch with. Rosa out did herself and we had Rotisserie chicken, awesome spaghetti(bucatini actually), cooked carrots, salad and to top it off some type of gelato cake. Rosa is good about using leftovers and we had some gelato leftover from the youth weekend so she made this cake that was delicious! I think they enjoyed it and I know we did. 


  1. All that sounds amazing... and yay for insurance! I have been praying for you and miss you constantly! And I would LOVE some of that gelato cake please. Can you air mail it?

  2. Its funny, but every time I see something written in Italian I think its an entree. Of course, I just ate at an Italian restaurant.
